Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Apology

The Apology and the death of Socrates has strong similarities to the Passion of Christ. Socrates and Jesus are both teachers who are persecuted unjustly for their beliefs. Both are also pursuing and helping others pursue the Good, or in Jesus' case God. I found another interesting comparison today with Mariella's presentation in that Socrates and Plato might have been running a small cult sort of like Jesus. But, I think the most important similarity is that of self sacrifice. Jesus' self sacrifice is dying for the world's sins, so that they too might go to heaven. Socrates' death is also an act of self sacrifice but you do not see it until the Crito. In that story, Socrates refuses to escape Athens and wants to meet his death. He tells his friend Crito that him enabling Athens to do something absolutely wrong also gives them the power to do something absolutely good. I think the Apology is another instance of where Platonic philosophy intersects with Christian Theology.

1 comment:

  1. There's more the hope in the face of death here that is a bit similar to Christian conviction/ hope for things unseen.
